"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday." Pearl Buck
At Potters Gate and St Andrew's, we are historical investigators who are curious to discover the past in Britain and the Wider World. We are able to:-
explore - examine - enquire - interpret
We want to promote curiosity and fascination, so children can be passionate to dive into past events.
- We aim to equip children with the tools to ask questions about Historical events and use their previous learning to try to answer them.
- We want all children to have a wealth of knowledge of events that have happened in the past and think about where they could come on a timeline.
- We will develop in children a sense of who they are and celebrate different culture and diversity through different aspects such as Black History Month.
- Utilising the Farnham Museum allows our children to have first hand experience of our local History.
History (ID 1045)
Victorian DayYear 1
Victorian Day
A trip to our local museum in Farnham, where children had the opportunity to dress up as Victorian children for the day. They had the experience of re-enacting life as a Victorian child, including; schooling, discipline, and home life.
Windsor CastleYear 2
Windsor Castle
Year 2 enjoyed a spectacular visit to Windsor castle as part of their topic 'Far, Far, Away'. The children took part in an interactive workshop, learning about the different types of castles, which we then compared with the local castle in our town.
Painshill ParkYear 3
Painshill Park
Year 3 were given the opportunity to visit Painshill Park where they had the experience of being Romans for the day! They experienced being part of a Roman army and learnt about the different rankings. The children then imagined trying to take over the different countries to form the Roman Empire, thinking about their strategies for defence.
Egyptian DayYear 4
Egyptian Day
Year 4 were lucky enough to have a visit from 'Mr Egypt', a real Egyptologist who taught the year group about his own experiences, such as holding Tutankhamun's Death Mask, sharing archaeological finds from his digs, ancient Egyptian dance and hieroglyphics.
Hampton CourtYear 5
Hampton Court
A trip to Hampton Court Palace, home of the famous Tudor King Henry VIII, where children embedded their previous learning on the Tudors. They had a tour of the kitchens and understood some aspects of life for the different people that would have worked for the King.
World War IIYear 6
World War II
A trip on the Watercress Line, re-enacting the experiences of an evacuee during World War II. The children had the opportunity to write a postcard to home, whilst travelling on the train.
Remembrance Day CommemorationNovember
Remembrance Day Commemoration
Children from Potters Gate and St Andrew's were invited to commemorate Remembrance Day, attending a short service led by the Mayor of Farnham and personnel from the Armed Forces.
D-Day CommemorationJune
D-Day Commemoration
Children from Potters Gate and St Andrew's were invited to commemorate D-Day, attending a short service led by the Mayor of Farnham and personnel from the Armed Forces to remember the start of the end of World War II. One of our pupils had the honour of writing and reading a reflective poem about her great Grandfather.
we promote our core values when learning about the past:
We learn to show respect towards people from other eras and their cultures, whilst looking at how to learn to understand and appreciate people from every walk of life, past and present.
Justice focuses on equity and fairness, and we look at the past, from seeing peoples’ victories, their complexities and imperfections. We enquire into what brought the world we live in to its present state and reflect on what we should be expected to do to make it a better place.
We look at the past to discover how individuals and communities have been able to embrace transformation to bounce forward, and the ability to preserve core values, even in the face of loss and injustice.
Studying history helps us understand how trust can be built in communities, cultures and religion. We look at different leaders in the past and reflect on how we can improve our futures.